Yesterday I found something interesting: there isn't a correct way to escape string literals in XPath queries.
galleryDocument.SelectSingleNode("//photo[filename='" + photoFileName + "']");
This line raises an exception if photoFileName contains an apostrophe. Neither ' nor \' nor '' work as an escape sequence - the XPath specifications do not handle that. So, how do we deal with it?
The answer is a small routine that relies on the concat XPath function:
public static string EscapeApostropheForXPathParameter(string parameter)
if (!parameter.Contains("'")) return "'" + parameter + "'";
string[] parts = parameter.Split('\'');
string result = String.Empty;
foreach (string part in parts)
result += ", \"'\", '" + part + "'";
return "concat(" + result.Substring(7) + ")";
This routine basically maps the string "foo'bar" into concat('foo', "'", 'bar'). Please note the different kind of quotes around the apostrophe. Nice to know, huh? :-)
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